Accessibility Plan & Policies

This 2014-2021 Accessibility Plan outlines the policies and plans that CBM will put in place to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. This plan and policies will be reviewed and updated as required to ensure compliance with current standards.

Statement of Commitment

CBM is committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities by identifying, preventing and removing barriers to accessibility to provide equal opportunity and meet accessibility requirements under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

Accessible Emergency Information

We are committed to providing emergency information in an accessible format upon request. Individualized emergency response plans will also be developed and maintained for employees with accommodation needs upon request.


Under the Customer Service Accessibility standard CBM employees who provide services received training in 2012 on our policies, practices and procedures that affect the way goods and services are provided to persons with disabilities. This training continues to be provided to new employees when joining CBM as part of their new employee orientation.

Beginning in 2014, employees, and other staff members have and will continue to be trained as required under the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulations (IASR) on Ontario’s accessibility laws and the Ontario Human Rights Code as it relates to people with disabilities.

The following steps will be ongoing to meet our commitment to training:

  • Records will be maintained to track training
  • Training will be made available to employees not directly covered under the AODA regulations
  • Training will be reviewed as required and employees will be advised (or re-trained if necessary) when changes are made to policies, practices and procedures.

Information and Communications

CBM is committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities. All publicly available information will be made accessible, upon request. We are committed to implementing, where practicable, the WCAG 2.0 Level AA requirement by January 1, 2021 as specified in the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation. Employment CBM is committed to equal opportunity and accessible employment practices. As part of our obligations under human rights and employment equity, our employment policies and practices will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to identify potential barriers including accessibility for persons with disabilities.

The following steps have been or will be implemented to ensure the public and our employees are aware that, upon request, we will accommodate people with disabilities:

  • Information about the availability of reasonable accommodation for applicants with disabilities will be included in the application process;
  • New Employees will be notified of our policies and processes for accommodating employees with disabilities as part of their orientation process;
  • Accommodation policies and process will be communicated to all employees and managers;
  • Where an employee requires accommodation or accessible formats, we will consult with the employee to identify and strive to meets their needs;
  • Employees with disabilities are invited to identify existing accessibility barriers and provide feedback and input on preventing and/or eliminating barriers.

Individual Accommodation Plans including Return to Work Process

CBM will work with employees with disabilities to develop suitable individual accommodation plans. The accessibility requirements under the IASR will also be incorporated into existing return to work processes to ensure that barriers in accommodation are identified and eliminated where possible.

Performance Management and Career Development

The accessibility needs of employees with disabilities will be considered during performance reviews and career development opportunities.

Contact Us

Accessible formats of this document can be made available upon request. For more information on CBM’s accessibility policies and multi-year plan please contact us.



8750 Holgate Crescent
Milton, ON
L9T 0K3