CBM Resources
Downloadable Documents
Access essential documents related to CBM. Here, you can download certifications, technical documents, and onboarding materials.
Ready to Start Your Project?
Our team of experts can handle every stage of the manufacturing and assembly process, from design to delivery. Contact us today to discuss your project.
04.03.2025 304 KB
ISO 9001:2015 Certification
As an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, we adhere to the world's most recognized quality management standard, ensuring consistent product quality and customer satisfaction.
04.02.2025 123 KB
RoHS Compliant Certification
Committed to sustainability, our RoHS-compliant products offer peace of mind to our customers, adhering to global environmental standards and minimizing harmful substances.
04.02.2025 367 KB
CWB Certification
Our welding processes are certified to CSA W47.1 by the Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB), ensuring that our welding processes meet the highest industry standards, guaranteeing the integrity and reliability of our products.
04.02.2025 147 KB
Privacy Policy
Understand how we collect, use, and protect your personal information. This policy outlines our commitment to data privacy and security.
04.02.2025 78.5 KB
Accessibility Plan and Policies
We’re committed to creating an inclusive and accessible experience for everyone. This includes our efforts to meet accessibility standards, remove barriers, and support equal access to our products and services.
24.02.2025 141 KB
Credit Application
Access our Credit Application to apply for a business account with customized payment terms. Complete the fillable form to get started on building a seamless partnership with us.
04.03.2025 105 KB
Reference Sheet
A concise guide to CBM’s manufacturing capabilities, certifications, and materials, designed to give customers and partners a quick overview of what we offer.